The sad reality is MJ has written songs for his demise. ;(
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone
….you are not alone….
Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon
….gone too soon….
It was a touching moment. Everyone old or young was singing to the songs. Everyone had a story to tell, share and a love to express.
Labels: bharathanatyam, dance, dancer, indian, photography
We got invited to go see the show Gather the Energy. Earlier during our previous exhibition, I had shot them during their performance and we became friends because they liked our work too. ;p the friendship has continued and we try to catch each other everytime we meet. The couple are 2 amazing souls, they told me they would perform even if there was only one soul at their show.
Incorporating live drums by the inhouse drummers in KLPAC, it was an amazing experience watching them, there was some energy vibrating in the atmosphere. It was making my camera screen go whack! The light inside was red yet I was seeing orange! They were red when I got back and downloaded them!
I cannot explain it but heck it was amazing. I was speaking to one of the dancers later, and he reminded me Saturday night was the summer solstice. Explains the energy. I wish more people had taken the risk to go see them, but they didn’t care they performed for the few of us who were there on all 3 performances. The musicians were inspired by them so what else do they need? True artists ;)
Labels: dance, dancer, expression, klpac, kuala lumpur, live performance, photography, tribal dance
Labels: achievements, child, children, exhibition, expression, kid, kids, klpac
Labels: beautiful, bride, engagement, family, friends, groom, happiness, hindu, indian, joy, love, relatives, religious, wedding, weddings
.... what mischieve is he up to?
Ps : by the way – the exhibition has been extended for another week so do try to come ;)
In/Visible runs from 1 – 21 June 2009 at KLPAC - Please sign up at our Facebook page here
Labels: child, children, expression, kid, kids
The Source by Rabindranath Tagore
The sleep that flits on baby's eyes--does anybody know from where it comes? Yes, there is a rumour that it has its dwelling where, in the fairy village among shadows of the forest dimly lit with glow-worms, there hang two shy buds of enchantment. From there it comes to kiss baby's eyes.
The smile that flickers on baby's lips when he sleeps--does anybody know where it was born? Yes, there is a rumour that a young pale beam of a crescent moon touched the edge of a vanishing autumn cloud, and there the smile was first born in the dream of a dew-washed morning--the smile that flickers on baby's lips when he sleeps.
The sweet, soft freshness that blooms on baby's limbs--does anybody know where it was hidden so long? Yes, when the mother was a young girl it lay pervading her heart in tender and silent mystery of love--the sweet, soft freshness that has bloomed on baby's limbs.
Labels: baby, child, children, innocence, photography
...I actually don't wanna look at you but that thing u're holding, i want that!
Ps : by the way – the exhibition has been extended for another week so do try to come ;)
In/Visible runs from 1 – 21 June 2009 at KLPAC - Please sign up at our Facebook page here
Labels: baby, child, children, innocence, newborn, photography
what would you do if a kid brings a bag of popcorn to you?
I shoot him of course ;p hehhe
ps : will be at out exhibition during the weekend ;) c you there ;)
In/Visible runs from 1 – 14 June 2009 at KLPAC - Please sign up at our Facebook page here
Labels: child, children, family, fun, kid, kids, klpac, potrait, potraits
... why are you so grey when you should be blue and vibrant!
sigh the haze is back
Labels: kuala lumpur, malaysia, travel
Lavin mesmerized the whole auditorium with her performance yesterday. As Kalaimamani Urmila Satyanarayanan our guest of honour said in her speech “She was so confident, innocent and showed such freshness. All her hardwork and practice was evident at every point.”
What more can I say. She made all of us proud, all our hard work, and all the crazyness and practically running around without food or drinks yesterday since 11am, preparing her venue and entertaining our guests. Her masters and the dance directors of the school were so proud of her.
Labels: bharathanatyam, dance, dancer, indian, live performance, photography
The kid that keeps me entertained at KLPAC. Such an adorable fella.
We had a good time at the exhibition, tiring but awesome. Met some lovely people, had wonderful conversations, ate more yummy food at the restaurant next to our exhibition we call home! ;p
Oh my presentation at Shootfest went on well, people seemed to have enjoyed it from the laughter, questions and the twitter feeds ;p
In/Visible runs from 1 – 14 June 2009 at KLPAC - Please sign up at our Facebook page here
One of the musicians playing a traditional Malay instrument during the Mak Yong: Titis Sakti performance, you can still catch them till this Sunday.
Alright you know where I'll be this weekend - at KLPAC for our exhibition - if you wanna meet me get there after 12 pm on both days ;)
Sunday morning I will be speaking at Shootfest - a photography unconference on indian weddings before heading to KLPAC.
In/Visible runs from 1 – 14 June 2009 at KLPAC - Please sign up at our Facebook page here
Labels: klpac, kuala lumpur, live performance, mak yong, music
I was walking out of KLPAC when a pair of eyes stared at me. I stood stunned at the beauty of those eyes, and dashed in to buy tickets to a show 1 month down the road.
Last night I finally saw the show. Mak Yong – Titis Sakti was amazing!
Based on Shakespeare’s Midsummer Nights Dream, the dance musical had beautiful dances, amazing
charecterisation and provided such humour. We laughed our heads off.
I loved the crowds reaction and interaction, the casts improvisation at times to the live show. There was one point one of the cast members accidentally laughed when she was supposed to be frozen, and immediately one of them exclaimed “eh power tak cukup ni” “eh my magics power is not enough”! Or at the beginning when someones phone rang and they made a snide remark on that.
I had so many favourites – the absolute favourties were the 2 comedian palace helpers (jester?), Cempaka Sari’s father, cempaka sari (the heroine), titis sakti,
The father was going around the audience asking for his daughter, and at one point started asking me in English
“you see my daughter?” I said NO “Oh no you didn’t!” lol
I was wondering earlier why I was being flashed with a red light and I guess I was picked to answer.
The musics awesome, the relevance to current times comedy, the use of handphones and the right scenes for the adaption really worked. Eventhough its in a thick kelantanese slang, I could understand most of it!
Oh do buy the program book, I’m in love with the illustrations.
Don’t miss the show, it runs till this Sunday!
In/Visible runs from 1 – 14 June 2009 at KLPAC - Please sign up at our Facebook page here
Labels: dance, dancer, live performance, mak yong
These gals did their arangetram together and they were a perfect choice. They aren’t sisters but they moved in such unison everyone thought they were! It was such joy to see them dance.
The season ended sunday with the final performance by the sole male dancer. Hopefully those photos turned out well I was sitting right at the back thanks to overzealous people!
Labels: bharathanatyam, dance, dancer, li
.... the eyes of a dancer, the most important aspect of a dancer.
ps : A lovely lady bought one of my previous exhibited photograph on Sunday. Thank you dear and I'm glad it's found a new home. I wish it will bring as much joy as I had photographing it ;)
Labels: bharathanatyam, dance, dancer, expression, indian, live performance