Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Light, originally uploaded by visithra.

We got invited to go see the show Gather the Energy. Earlier during our previous exhibition, I had shot them during their performance and we became friends because they liked our work too. ;p the friendship has continued and we try to catch each other everytime we meet. The couple are 2 amazing souls, they told me they would perform even if there was only one soul at their show.

Incorporating live drums by the inhouse drummers in KLPAC, it was an amazing experience watching them, there was some energy vibrating in the atmosphere. It was making my camera screen go whack! The light inside was red yet I was seeing orange! They were red when I got back and downloaded them!

I cannot explain it but heck it was amazing. I was speaking to one of the dancers later, and he reminded me Saturday night was the summer solstice. Explains the energy. I wish more people had taken the risk to go see them, but they didn’t care they performed for the few of us who were there on all 3 performances. The musicians were inspired by them so what else do they need? True artists ;)

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