Friday, October 22, 2010
A nalungu

Dr Nalini had a series of events for her wedding celebrations to Gunaselan which began with the first nalunggu at her home. It was started off with a homam (prayers) before we proceeded outside to plant the pantha kall to signify that a wedding would take place there. The tree that is planted will later be replanted elsewhere and grow lusciously together with the couple.

Ganesh Lights 

This was followed by the nalunggu or cleansing ceremony where family and friends playfully smear the bride with sandalwood, rose water, oil and more. Gifts of sarees and jewellery are also given to the bride. It’s quite a joyous celebration as friends and family are gathered together.



The bride then has a shower before rejoining the crowd in one the newly gifted sarees. Dr Nalini’s younger brother was also celebrating his birthday and so the crowd gathered to sing and wish him Happy Birthday.

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Blessings nalini nalungu  nalini nalungu  nalini nalungu  nalini nalungu  nalini nalungu  IMG_0509ng1a IMG_0377ng1 IMG_0330ng1 nalini nalungu

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